The Pomatini: a martini served with pomegranate liqueur, generally including secondary flavorings to create a fruit cocktail beverage.
My first experience with a Pomatini came from a shaker, a much less delicate version of this drink. The specialty of this drink comes from the pomegranate and cranberry flavors, the former coming from a liqueur, the latter coming from a juice.
I chose this drink because while out to dinner at Takanami; the martinis were half off. I figured that was enough of a reason to try this drink suggested to me by my server. My date also enjoyed the taste of this drink, so keep that in mind for the ladies.
Primary alcohol: Pama Liqueur and Citrus Vodka
Serving size: 4 oz Martini Glass
Appearance: Strong red body with consistent coloring throughout. Served with a garnish, sometimes includes lemon and lime shavings.
Taste: The citrus liqueur is dangerously hidden behind the sour of the cranberry and pomegranate giving you a kick of flavor.
Advice: Make sure you are eating with this drink; they are easy to consume and can get out of hand if you aren’t careful.
— by Ben Verhille