Parents, take note.
Iowa is now the seventh-best state in which to raise a child, according to new data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual Kids Count report.
The standing, a one-place jump from 2012, is just one of the handful of criteria considered every year by the Baltimore-based private charitable organization, founded in 1948.
According to the reports’ 2013 Data Book, the state fared better in education over previous information in 2005-06, 2005-07 and 2009-10.
For example, an additional 4,730 high-school students graduated on time in 2009-10 than in 2005-06 and approximately 43,000 more children attended preschool from 2005-07 and the 2009-11 levels.
But in regards to economic measurements, Iowa saw declines in well-being standards.
The state dropped from third in economic well-being rates in 2012 to fifth this year, as childhood poverty and an insecure job market weighed in.