Almost two months after the state Board of Regents’ concern about the performance of University of Iowa President Sally Mason came to light, the regents held regular evaluations of all regent university presidents on Tuesday.
Last month, it was revealed that at a meeting in August, the regents decided not to renew Mason’s contract, and Regent President Craig Lane wrote a letter to Mason asking her to “reframe and reprioritize” her goals for the 2012-2013 academic year.
Specifically, Lang asked Mason to improve the UI’s relationship with the Iowa Legislature and to showcase the UI’s positive contributions to the state.
Going into the meeting, Mason said she wanted to focus on the ways in which she has attempted to fulfill these requests. These efforts include the new UI website that showcases the university’s county-by-county impact on the state and attempts to improve communication with the state media.
UI spokesman Tom Moore said Mason characterized her evaluation with the regents as “very productive.” Moore said Mason will continue to work to improve communication and student success.
“[Mason is looking] very much along the lines of working to continue to improve communication with the board and state lawmakers,” he said. “And focusing on the student success initiatives, especially fundraising to help support need based scholarships for Iowa students.”