The intramural indoor soccer began with an 11-1 win for IC United, which faced Dirt Show Monday night in the Bubble.
Following a first half that saw IC United mount a 4-1 lead, both teams appeared winded at halftime.
Dirt Show senior Sean Phelan said his squad, made up of players hailing from the same high school in Joliet, Ill. — had worn all-black uniforms in an attempt to intimidate IC United. But the tactic seemed to be ineffective, with Dirt Show producing just one goal during the first 20 minutes of play.
In the second frame, IC United effectively clinched the match, posting seven more scores with junior Hyuntio Nho leading the attack with three goals — one of which ended the contest.
Following the defeat, Dirt Show players said they were impressed with the strength of the IC United players.
“Obviously, that team has a solid foundation and has been established for a while,” Phelan said. “This lowers morale for our team, but it was a hard-fought battle.”
Only having played intramural soccer last year, Phelan said, none of his teammates knew the rules of the game. To efficiently compete during games, players said, they simply go by what referees tell them as the game progresses.
Dirt Show captain Tyler Smith said his team’s name is one carried over from the flag-football season in the fall. The group also kept the same players and decided to try another sport.
But while Dirt Show may be playing for fun, IC United players are looking for a championship.
Team captain Tae Kyun Kim said his team — comprised of all Korean students — competed in intramural soccer last year and made to it to the semifinals.
When asked whether he thinks IC United has a chance to do well again this year, Kim nodded enthusiastically. He said his teammates have played soccer for a long time.
“When we meet other Korean students we ask them to play and they usually join our team,” IC United teammate Nho said.
IC United players celebrated with high-fives and pats on the back, looking optimistic for the season to come. The good sportsmanship shown by both squads refreshed both the Recreational Services staff and the handful of spectators on hand.
Smith and Phelan said Dirt Show can still recover from the early-season defeat.
“Look for us to bounce back next week,” Phelan said.
Smith joked, “We expect a good fan turnout, and it should be a good game at 9 p.m. in the Bubble.”