While Regina Regals coach Marv Cook thinks his offense could use some cleaning up, the team still managed to overpower the Wilton Beavers Sept. 25, dominating in a 35-0 victory.
The defense won the game for the Regals, allowing only 77 total yards and 30 yards on 27 rushes.
Even though the Regal offense didn’t meet all Cook’s expectations, the players still managed to gain 347 total yards, 214 rushing on 40 carries. Daniel Larew caught a 6-yard pass from Jack Verducci to open the scoring. Pechous was accountable for the following 21 points. Verducci then ended the evening with a 9-yard run. Also a contributor to the Regals’ offense, Anthony Halsch ran particularly well, rushing for 108 yards on 11 carries.
Running 100 yards is “something we try to do each game,” Cook said.
“I felt like we stepped up in many different areas,” he said. John Stack, Alex Williams, Kevin Arnold, Braden Lehman and Jordan Corpman have shown as individual standouts.
This week, the Regals will prepare to play the Tipton Tigers at Tipton on Friday. Cook said he plans to spend the week working to polish up the Regal offense.
“We have a lot of talent offensively,” Cook said. “We just need to find the right personnel package.”
The Regina Regals are now 5-0 on the season.
— by Zoe Dutchik