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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

30 years of The Breakfast Club

JASMINE PUTNEY March 26, 2015

The 1980s. Undoubtedly one of our country’s best — and most colorful — decades. A trip in the DeLorean would demonstrates the era provided us with such phenomena as high-waisted pants, MTV, and...

Part art exhibit, part ‘laboratory’

GRACE HAERR March 26, 2015

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the University of Iowa Museum of Art hopes its current exhibition serves as a novel — no Doud. From neoclassical to neon, the personal art collection of Iowan...

Film festival hosts dance-focused shorts

CLAIRE DIETZ March 26, 2015

Showcasing both intricate choreography and shots of snails, rolling green hills, and broken glass, the second Iowa Screendance Festival will feature short films by Australian, French, Hungarian, and...

Iowa City Pizza: Airliner, Wig and Pen, Sam’s, and Pagliai’s

MICHAEL KADRIE March 26, 2015

Pizza is far from uncommon in Iowa City. There’s a dizzying array of potential places to treat your taste buds to cheese, meat, and vegetables piled atop (hopefully) cooked dough. I endeavored...

A taste of New York City

DEVYN YOUNG March 26, 2015

Many spend spring break lying on the beach or flopped on their parents’ couch. I did neither.  Last week, I went to one of my favorite cities: New York City, a hub millions flock to each year...

Review: Final Fantasy Type-O HD

JORDAN RYDER March 26, 2015

I’m going to start with that I actually do like Type-O. I like the pacing of combat and the story for the most part and would recommend it to any Final Fantasy fan.  But it is, from a technical...

Saying goodbye to One Direction’s Zayn

EMMA MCCLATCHEY March 26, 2015

One of the most commercially successful bands of the last decade will have to settle for four-part harmonies. Of course, I'm referring to British boy band One Direction, whose fifth member Zayn Malik...

Top Chef set to serve sold-out crowd

JUSTUS FLAIR March 26, 2015

Top Chef Iowa City will take over downtown at 5 p.m. March 30. The annual competition, held at hotelVetro, 201 S. Linn St., features restaurants and bars striving to be named Iowa City’s Top Entrée,...

Edible Book Festival to take off Wednesday

DI STAFF March 26, 2015

Forks, knives, bookmarks at the ready. The University of Iowa Libraries will host its second Edible Book Festival on April 1 in the Main Library Learning Commons, encouraging participants to craft —...

Review: Bloodborne

CONOR MCBRIEN March 26, 2015

Over spring break, a pensive friend walked into the front room with bad news. “Guys,” he said, “Some bosses in Bloodborne can heal themselves.” Jaws dropped, heads fell into hands,...

Drink of the Week: Boulevard Brewing Co.’s KC Pils

DI STAFF March 26, 2015

This Spring Break, like many of my peers, I got my drink on, but I didn’t go hard on the beaches of Cabo. Instead, I ended an afternoon of touring the Boulevard Brewing Co.’s facilities in...

Russian Guitar Festival revives lost genre

JASMINE PUTNEY March 12, 2015

For 15 years, Ukrainian musician Roman Turovsky has playing the music that settled deep in his heart many years before.  “My earliest childhood memories were of girls crossing the river to...