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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

UI engineering group hopes to build Honduran clinic


Imagine a three-hour trip to the nearest health clinic, only to find the center has run out of medicine. For some in Las Mangas, Honduras, that scenario is a reality — that is, if they can even afford...

Green thumbs for a green movement

TYLER LYON April 24, 2009

UI President Sally Mason strolled through the university’s new sustainable garden Thursday afternoon, taking about an hour of her day to talk with students who helped create it. Mason said she’s “very...

Event pushes local buying

SHANE ERSLAND April 24, 2009

Local companies gathered at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center in Coralville to celebrate the “Buy Here Day” Business Fair — organized by the Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce — Thursday...

UI VP: Research accusation overblown

EMILY MELVOLD April 24, 2009

A UI professor is under investigation by a weekly medical journal for a possible conflict of interest stemming from a research article. The work — an article by UI psychiatry Professor Robert Robinson...

Speaker: Porn misuses women

SHANE ERSLAND April 23, 2009

While a pornographic-video producer described a scene from his movie, nervous laughter from various UI students filled the darkened auditorium of the Becker Communication Studies Building. Robert Jensen...

Freshman seminar numbers to rise

ANNA LOTHSON April 23, 2009

Seeing the secret life of a surgeon, learning intricacies of a courtroom, crunching a university budget, or picking at the brain of an engineer — they all have one thing in common. Each will be the...

Students show off vegetable garden

MARY HARRINGTON April 23, 2009

From a small plot of West Campus land, a new university garden will provide fresh crops for IMU diners. The new student-run garden will grow vegetables for volunteer gardeners and on-campus eaters alike,...

Magistrate distribution questioned

ZHI XIONG April 23, 2009

Johnson County could gain two magistrates if the state court administrator has his way. “He just doesn’t have that authority,” said Judge Warren Bush, who is suing State Court Administrator David...

School district cuts library positions


Iowa City School District officials recently announced they will reduce several library positions — a move one librarian called a “big mistake.” At Shimek and Hills Elementary Schools — the two...

Officials work to keep schools safe

CLARK CAHILL April 23, 2009

While it’s not possible to stop every random act of violence, local officials say, prevention at high schools has become much more advanced. Monday marked the 10-year anniversary of the Columbine High...

Obama touts alt-energy in Iowa visit

SHAWN GUDE April 23, 2009

Speaking amid steel columns, a gentle, ever-present whirring sound, and fluorescent factory lights, President Obama implored the country to back his ambitious energy plan in a Newton wind-energy plant...

Mike Currie elected UISG president

MICHELE DANNO April 23, 2009

After accusations of cheating, backstabbing, name calling, and voting delays, Go Party was victorious in what UI Student Government President-elect Mike Currie called “the longest, hardest-fought campaign”...