Junior Bryan Cobb considers himself lucky.
Unlike many students who are forced to rely on student loans and financial self-sufficiency to get through college, he said he receives significant help from...
In her 25 years of fundraising, UI Foundation President and CEO Lynette Marshall said she has never seen a donation like the one she received last month.
An anonymous donor gave $7 million to the UI.
For millions of Americans, April 15 is the dreaded tax day. But for hundreds of people who filled the Burlington Street bridge Wednesday, the day meant a protest against taxes locally and nationwide.
UI Hospitals and Clinics officials want to make something clear — there is no delay in the hospital’s expansion.
They’re still in the planning process, they said.
“We are continuing to plan,”...
After entering the makeshift mosque, the men wandered to the front of the worship area, and the women crowded in the back of the room.
During the mock prayer service, UI students were asked to remove...
Chuck Kierscht decided 40-some years ago that he wanted to give back to the UI after graduating from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Law. Now, at 70, he hasn’t stopped yet.
UI alumnus Brady Lowe’s gift to the rest of the country is his Iowa-inspired flair for food. He has established himself nationally as a Southern foodie, pairing high-end flavors for his clients. Now,...
Iowa City School Board members have a lot to think about after hearing numerous concerns about options to change elementary and secondary school schedules Tuesday night.
School District administrators...
UI junior Carly Johnson works two jobs — not to pay for her tuition but so she can pay $8,000 to study abroad this summer in Florence, Italy.
“I wanted to go for a full semester, but I couldn’t,”...
Apartments Downtown recently installed door locks on building entrances to increase security and prevent interior damage.
“I came back from class one day to find my apartment building locked,” said...
Iowa City officials aren’t going anywhere.
In another effort to deal with increasing budget reductions at the city level, officials will curtail travel expenses.
Iowa City Mayor Regenia Bailey made...
UI alumnus and Fort Myers, Fla., resident Justin McBride assembles watch parties for every single Hawkeye football and basketball game. He calls it his “anchor” to Iowa.
“Going to the university...