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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Hancher hires new programming head

EMILY MELVOLD June 25, 2009

When Jacob Yarrow, the executive director of the Garth Newel Music Center in Bath County, Va., came to Iowa City last week, he asked local waiters and cashiers what they thought of Hancher. Unaware of...

More shoppers take five-fingered discount

ABE TEKIPPE June 24, 2009

Retailers across the United States are reporting a spike in shoplifting, a trend reflected in local statistics. Iowa City police records indicate the department is on track for a five-year high. From...

Economy can’t trim beauty salon success

EMILY MELVOLD June 24, 2009

Salons have evolved from their single-sink, heavy hairspray, perming predecessors pictured in the likes of Steel Magnolias. Today they are making changes to keep on top of their market and stay ahead...

Iowa City industrial park dangles incentives

CHRIS CLARK June 24, 2009

The Iowa City Economic Development Committee is trying to attract companies to a new industrial park in the southeast area of Iowa City. Officials are planning to offer Good Job Incentives — in the...

More Internet shoppers become victims of wire fraud

ABE TEKIPPE June 24, 2009

Bethany DeCoster, a recent UI graduate, paid $50 last summer for downloadable “anti-virus software.” But when she submitted her credit-card information, the program turned out to be a virus. Such...

Johnson County Sheriff will continue aiding North Liberty police

HOLLY HINES June 24, 2009

Opting to wait before hiring two new officers, North Liberty will remain the only police-patrolled Johnson County town to also contract with the county deputies, said Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek. The agreement...

Racial inequality found in healthcare coverage

KATIE SIMS June 24, 2009

Despite findings showing persistent ethnic disparities in health care and health status nationally, Iowa scored better than the national average. But local health-care providers said inequality still exists...

Transition to paperless medical records may be prickly

TYLER LYON June 23, 2009

At a June 10 meeting with the state Board of Regents, UI Hospitals and Clinics officials unveiled a $55 million Epic system. It allows staff to access patients’ electronic medical records across hospitals...

New boutiques head for downtown

ADAM SALAZAR June 23, 2009

Since the Iowa City City Council passed a bar zoning ordinance June 2, downtown has seen new retailers arrive, taking over real estate that otherwise might have ended up as new bars. Two new boutiques,...

Illegal downloading can carry a heavy price

NICOLE KARLIS June 23, 2009

Is downloading one song online worth an $80,000 fine? The answer: yes, according to a federal jury and the Recording Industry Association of America. A single mother of two, Jammie Thomas-Rasset, faces...

Cookie dough contamination just the latest food poisoning

ZHANRAN ZHAO June 23, 2009

Despite health warnings, 39 percent of people in the United States eat raw cookie dough, according to Consumer Reports. And even with a recent recall of Nestlé Toll House products because of E. coli contamination,...

40 win cheaper home in Iowa City

CHRIS CLARK June 23, 2009

Thanks to a spin of a lucky Bingo cage, Iowa City native Brandon LeFever will have the chance to move with his wife and stepdaughter into his first home — at a considerably smaller price tag. LeFever...