As of Tuesday, officials were testing 29 probable H1N1 influenza cases across the state, health officials said, including one Iowa State University freshman from Marshalltown.
At the UI, officials said,...
With one confirmed case and 29 probable cases of the H1N1 virus in Iowa, the UI Hygienic Laboratory was running without incident Tuesday morning.
While officials have reallocated additional staff to the...
Iowa City consumers looking to buy expensive products could soon save some money with a trip to Coralville after Tuesday’s election.
In a vote so close that a large family could have swung the turnout...
A college-age woman appeared to be seriously injured after she was pushed under a UI Cambus when an SUV rear-ended the scooter she was riding Tuesday.
Cambus driver Aaron Summerkamp said he was stopped...
The Iowa City City Council voted 5-2 in favor of an ordinance that would limit the number of bars and liquor stores during its first consideration of the measure Tuesday night.
As a part of its plan to...
In the early morning hours of April 26, Iowa City police rushed, lights flashing and sirens blaring, toward a fight reportedly involving more than 10 people at the Summit.
As officers headed toward the...
While the topic of ethnicity has been thrown into the spotlight since President Obama took office, local residents said Tuesday night there needs to be more action on the continual problems in the United...
Alexander Robinson knew he was different during his first day of grade school.
He chose to wear bright yellow pants with a similar color shirt, and as he walked into the girls’ coat room with his friends...
Today’s vote on a local-option sales tax will provoke a clash between the two biggest stories in the Iowa City area: the economy and the flood.
Locals face a difficult decision — vote to increase...