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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Residents react as tobacco tax hits Iowa City

SHANE ERSLAND April 1, 2009

Although UI freshman and smoker Bryn Lee Lovitt is already struggling to pay for her cigarettes, she said today’s tobacco tax increase won’t stop her from lighting up. “My smoking habit has already...

Cuts roll along in Iowa legislature

SHAWN GUDE April 1, 2009

The UI and the state Board of Regents would both see state funding cuts of about 12 percent under a preliminary education budget passed out of the Iowa Legislature’s joint education appropriations subcommittee...

UIHC heads into the age of digital records


UI Hospitals and Clinics officials said they’re preparing to launch the largest phase of their transition from paper to digital records — the final switch will take place in a few weeks. On May 2,...

Iowa City City Council to get budget aid

AMANDA McCLURE April 1, 2009

The Iowa City City Council will conduct a telephone survey across the city to receive more community input on their budget-setting decisions. The council previously voted to place city projects and services...

Eyes on Ped Mall for fights?


Police are looking to video cameras as one way to combat violence between men in downtown Iowa City, authorities said. While the possibility of placing cameras downtown is an option, it is not yet being...

Unique new series aids UI researchers

MAGGIE PETERS March 31, 2009

Though most researchers already have years of education and experience on their résumés, a first-of-its-kind UI program will offer them even more training. The Research Professional Development Program...

Homing in on the homemade brew

MARY HARRINGTON March 31, 2009

Armed with college-student budgets and engineering educations, two UI students are cooking up intoxicating flavors and stove-top savings in an apartment kitchen operation: brewing beer. A year and a half...

Counseling Service deals with budget

MEGAN DIAL March 31, 2009

The University Counseling Service is preparing to cut its budget if the economy doesn’t pick up in the next few years. While the center has not yet been affected by the UI’s budget cuts, Director...

From Antarctica to local craftsman

MICHELE DANNO March 31, 2009

Snowstorms in late March may seem harsh for some Iowa City dwellers. But for Ryan Prochaska, this weather is mild compared with the conditions in Antarctica, where he lived and worked for six months. Prochaska,...

100s address board on high-school enrollment

CLARK CAHILL March 31, 2009

The Iowa City School Board welcomed hundreds of community members to share input about its high-school enrollment Monday night. More than 50 community members filled out forms to speak at the forum held...

UISG loosens campaign rules

EMILY MELVOLD March 31, 2009

UI Student Government campaigns are back — and the rules are less restrictive. Several changes were made to this year’s elections code — a nearly eight-page long document — and many loosen the...

Ped Mall fight club


Unknown assailants attacked unknown men in two incidents on the Pedestrian Mall during the early hours of March 27, authorities said. But having two assault incidents downtown in one weekend is not that...