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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Faculty will learn the art of trash management

MARLEEN LINARES September 2, 2009

The UI will soon have a new trash-management system in its academic buildings: Faculty members will have to centralize their garbage disposing, and custodial staff will empty central bins once a month....

UI students are drawn to Russian program

LAUREN MILLS September 2, 2009

UI lecturer Irina Kostina paces back and forth, firing off sentences for students to conjugate, encouraging them as they struggle with a language they began learning just a week ago. Last semester, she...

School board hopefuls answer questions

HOLLY HINES September 2, 2009

Six candidates for the Sept. 8 School Board election presented potential solutions to various issues of concern in the district, including the district’s strained budget and the closing of Roosevelt...

Spotlight Iowa City: Swinging between music, journalism

TOMMY MORGAN JR. September 2, 2009

The life of a graduate student and a musician do not often intersect. One requires hours holed up in the library, the other involves playing shows. One involves teaching classes, the other entertaining...

Grant gives Coralville new renovation possibilities

MOLLY BURKE September 2, 2009

Coralville garnered $27 million this week to renovate First Avenue, support flood-prevention efforts, and help decrease traffic congestion. The funds are part of the state’s $800 million I-JOBS program,...

UI Health Care makes flu shots mandatory

JOHN DOETKOTT September 2, 2009

Flu shots are no longer optional for anyone associated with UI Health Care: It is a condition of employment. “People who do not comply will not be eligible to continue their positions at UI Health Care,”...

Pre-paid cab fare comes to IC

NICOLE LUMBRERAS September 2, 2009

It works like a debit card. Your parents may foot the bill. And it can get you home on a tipsy Saturday night. University Cab Cash, an online business based in Florida, is designed to help students pay...

Endangered mussel may have returned

SCOTT RAYNOR September 1, 2009

Researchers from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources say they may have found an endangered species of mussel in the Iowa River. Officials are testing DNA to determine if what they found is an endangered...

School board candidates speak out before Sept. 8 elections

SCOTT RAYNOR September 1, 2009

April Armstrong, 33 Background: Armstrong moved to Iowa City from Newton, Iowa, to become a professional nanny in 1993. Her job has helped her develop strong communication and scheduling skills. District...

Mobile-home community stays stagnant

SCOTT RAYNOR September 1, 2009

A white ice-cream truck drives by the Iowa Regency mobile-home park, past week-old wreckage of demolished houses and a swampy condemned pool unevenly filled with a mound of dirt. Children line up to buy...

Spotlight Iowa City: International student finds home in a UI sorority

MOLLY BURKE September 1, 2009

A show called “Sweet Valley” inspired Bridgar Nayiga to pledge a sorority. Except there are a few crucial differences: Nayiga is not a blond twin from California like her favorite TV characters. She...

State may back city in license denials

NICOLE KARLIS September 1, 2009

The decision to deny two Iowa City bars’ liquor-license renewals ultimately falls with the state, not the Iowa City City Council. In the past, the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division has rarely stripped...