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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Police report missing teen

DI STAFF October 23, 2009

Iowa City police reported Thursday night a teenager has been missing since Wednesday. The Iowa City teen, Brianna Overton, 15, was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, red sweat pants, and brown clog shoes....

Stuttering workshop to come

DI STAFF October 23, 2009

Officials will hold an all-day stuttering workshop Oct. 24 at the UI Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center. The event — cosponsored by Friends-National Association of Young People Who Stutter, the...

Teach For America gains popularity

MICHELLE BORYCA October 22, 2009

UI senior Ricky Ridgway had a standard plan coming into the UI: graduate from college, get a corporate finance job, and fulfill the American Dream. But when he watched a friend go through the Teach For...

UI alumnus addresses low-income housing

MITCHELL SCHMIDT October 22, 2009

Andrew Greenlee wants to dispel the myth that Chicago natives cause the majority of violence in Iowa City. During a lecture Wednesday night in the University Capitol Centre on the issue of Chicago’s...

Faculty and students petition to keep branch libraries open

LAUREN MILLS October 22, 2009

Some faculty and students are fighting back against the UI’s plans to merge four branch libraries. Citing the importance of a specialized library, many said they are worried about the effect closing...

UI students work to bring sustainability to small Iowa towns

SAMANTHA HONKEN October 22, 2009

UI students are journeying to small Iowa towns this year, bringing big ideas of sustainability. Field Problems, a course in the graduate program of urban and regional planning, offers second-year graduate...

Oxford bank robbed


An unknown man robbed an Oxford, Iowa, bank on Wednesday before fleeing in a stolen car with an undisclosed amount of money, authorities say. According to Johnson County Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek, the incident...

Students to get early look at book costs

MARLEEN LINARES October 22, 2009

UI students looking to avoid classes with costly textbooks will soon have another option: avoiding the course altogether. Under a new federal act, students will now be able to view required textbooks...

Spotlight Iowa City: A long love affair with ‘real’ beer

PARKER SMITH October 22, 2009

Doug Alberhasky feels sorry for all you Bud Light drinkers. “That beer has no soul,” the John’s Grocery store manager and resident “Bier Guy” said, sitting in his cluttered store office Tuesday....

Satterfield’s trial delayed

DI STAFF October 22, 2009

The trial for a former Hawkeye football player accused of sexually assaulting a female student-athlete inside an empty Hillcrest dorm room has again been rescheduled. Abe Satterfield will now go to trial...

Man charged with controlled-substance violation

DI STAFF October 22, 2009

Police have arrested an Iowa City man after he allegedly participated in a marijuana sale. Police charged Andrew Pelzer, 19, 1922 Grantwood Drive, with a controlled-substance violation. According to...

Man charged with animal abuse after puppy-vodka incident

DI STAFF October 22, 2009

Iowa City police arrested a man after he allegedly gave vodka to a puppy. Jared Colony, 28, 1708 Hollywood Blvd., was charged with animal abuse. According to reports, Colony was watching the 4-month...