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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Police probe string of car break-ins

MARLEEN LINARES November 17, 2009

Iowa City police have extra officers patrolling near a sorority after a handful of reported burglaries. Someone broke into Alpha Chi member Abbi Arp’s car twice this month, once by smashing her window...

Radon continues as silent killer

LAUREN MILLS November 17, 2009

Radon, a colorless and odorless gas, seeps into more than 70 percent of the basements in Iowa. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, radon kills roughly 21,000 people every year. “It is...

Spotlight Iowa City: The plate never too full for Meyer

CLARK CAHILL November 17, 2009

Jane Meyer can safely say she’s affected virtually everyone on campus. As the senior associate athletics director, she has orchestrated $250 million worth of projects, from the $88 million Kinnick Stadium...

Need for food aid on the rise

SHANE ERSLAND November 17, 2009

A growing number of Johnson County residents are acquiring their meals through local food-support services. The Crisis Center doled out nearly 40,000 bags of food to needy citizens in fiscal 2009, compared...

An end run on smoking ban

CHRIS CURTLAND November 17, 2009

Alex Fischels appeared to be smoking on a Chicago’s restaurant patio when the waiter shot him a nasty glare. But the UI senior wasn’t puffing on a cigarette — he was taking a drag of nicotine vapor...

Trial reset in child-porn case

DI STAFF November 17, 2009

The trial for a man who allegedly uploaded child pornography in the UI Main Library has been reset. Martin Jackson, 41, will go to trial Feb. 16, 2010. His pretrial conference is set for Feb. 3. Jackson...

Man reportedly tried to bribe officers

DI STAFF November 17, 2009

Iowa City police arrested a Mississippi man after he allegedly offered to pay officers in exchange for letting him go uncharged. John Landry, 28, was charged with bribery, a felony charge. He is being...

North Liberty man dies in accident

DI STAFF November 17, 2009

A North Liberty man died in an accident Sunday after his car went off the road. According to the Iowa State Patrol, Richard Casey, 20, was driving north on Utah Avenue when the car went into the east...

Man charged with burglary, assault

DI STAFF November 17, 2009

Iowa City police arrested a man after he allegedly fought with a peace officer while being arrested for theft. Darryl Marcel Henry, 18, 1401 Franklin St., was charged with three counts of third-degree...

Man charged with robbery

DI STAFF November 17, 2009

Police arrested a man for allegedly robbing an elderly couple after helping them load purchased items into their car in October. Calvin Pearson, 28, address unknown, was charged with second-degree robbery. According...

Man charged with eluding

DI STAFF November 17, 2009

Police arrested a Solon man after he allegedly tried to avoid being arrested for OWI on Nov. 13. Cameron Boyce, 23, was charged with eluding, an aggravated misdemeanor. According to police reports, Boyce...

Eating, talking turkey, and taking a stand against violence

MITCHELL SCHMIDT November 16, 2009

The setting was friendly and relaxed, but the message was a serious one. Fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon, along with the Men’s Antiviolence Council, organized a Thanksgiving-style dinner on Sunday to raise...