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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Medical students get new teaching track

SAM LANE December 10, 2009

UI medical students hoping to pursue a career in education now have a proper training ground. The UI Carver College of Medicine inaugurated the Teaching Distinction Track on Dec. 4, which aims to prepare...

Fan cans stick around

CHRIS CURTLAND December 10, 2009

Football game days are gone, but black and yellow “fan cans” are still popping up around Iowa City. UI President Sally Mason — along with several other university presidents — sent a letter to...

City High eyes adding more advanced classes

HOLLY HINES December 10, 2009

When it comes to Advanced Placement and Honors classes at City High School, Tareq Abuissa is an expert. Abuissa, a senior who recently applied to Yale University, has taken five advanced classes and at...

Grad student cites protecting subjects as reason not to testify


A Minneapolis man arrested in connection with the 2004 UI Spence Labs/Seashore Hall break-in said he refused to testify before a grand jury to maintain his integrity as a sociologist,and that he was charged...

COGS holds surcharge protest

LAUREN MILLS December 9, 2009

As the number of students and textbooks sitting at the brown tables in the Old Capitol Town Center grew on Tuesday, members of the graduate-student union encouraged passersby to voice their opinions on...

Long-ago past comes to light in North Hall café

ASHLEY OERMAN December 9, 2009

A young artist named George will lead Jefri Palermo on a historic adventure 80 years in the making. The development coordinator for the UI School of Social Work will use the boy’s yellowing pencil sketch...

UI alums paying debts

JOHN DOETKOTT December 9, 2009

As students across the country default on their student loans at an alarming rate, UI graduates seem to be committed to paying off their debts. The national default rate on Stafford Loans reached 6.7...

Thinking positive at Southeast

HOLLY HINES December 9, 2009

Eighth-grade student Lexine Shumm has been reminding friends at school how much she likes them. From the desk to Lexine’s left, Savannah Reese said she’s noticed the effort. “That makes me happy,”...

Storm lashes IC

MARLEEN LINARES December 9, 2009

The first winter storm to hit campus this semester could be one of the worst in the last 10 years, and many UI students wonder if classes will continue the rest of the week. Officials said weather conditions...

Spotlight Iowa City: Piano-playing traveler fits right in

JORDAN FRIES December 9, 2009

Yifan Ivan Lai has been playing the piano since he was 3, when his parents plopped him down in front of the keys and told him to churn out something beautiful. The toddler, not knowing what to do, begin...

Fire reported

DI STAFF December 9, 2009

Iowa City firefighters responded to a structure fire early Tuesday morning. According to reports, the Fire Department was called to a possible fire around 2 a.m. at 220 Lafayette St. Two fire engines...

Poll on economy to be released

DI STAFF December 9, 2009

While a majority of Americans feel the economy is in poor condition, around half think it will improve significantly by next year, according to a Hawkeye Poll released Tuesday. Forty-nine percent of those...