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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Drink of the Week: Hop Wrangler 3

DI STAFF October 2, 2014

Peace Tree Brewing, Knoxville, Iowa I picked this IPA purely on a whim while at the Iowa Chop House, a choice that would have been random except that Peace Tree's Blonde Fatale is my go-to pick for potent...

Iowa City Book Festival floods area

JASMINE PUTNEY October 2, 2014

Each day, hundreds of people stroll the streets of downtown with their heads up. Some may be taking in the scenery, some may be searching for a place to have lunch. Their eyes dart up and around as they...

Gabe’s to host first Laughapalooza

MADDIE CLOUGH October 2, 2014

One thing people can be sure to find when looking for entertainment in Iowa City is local talent. While musicians, writers, and artists abound, some up-and-coming comedy stars have roots in Iowa City...

UI fetes cultural diversity

ASHLEY MURPHY October 2, 2014

Indian folk dancing, South Asian a cappella, slam poetry, and an R&B vocalist — these different art forms may sound like separate events. However, they will be performances at the Oct. 5 University...

Review: Iowa Chop House delivers

ADAM GROMOTKA October 2, 2014

"Pleased to meat you," "Thank a farmer," and "Good people drink good beer." Those are just a few of the wait staffs' clever T-shirts at Iowa Chop House, 223 E. Washington...

Turning politics into chuckles

CLAIRE DIETZ October 2, 2014

The Englert Theater hopes to shine a comedic light on Iowa politics by featuring the satire group Capitol Steps. Made up of ex-congressional staffers and other performers, Capitol Steps will take the...

Iowa City’s treasure chest

JUSTUS FLAIR October 2, 2014

Artifacts — the vintage store at 331 E. Market St. — is like your quirky grandma’s basement, except it isn’t your responsibility to clean and organize everything. At first glance, the...

Staging imagination: UI’s Return to Mongoose Island

ISAAC HAMLET October 2, 2014

Childhood is a cherished thing. The sheer power of a child's imagination, unbridled by the harsher truths of the adulthood, can construct worlds. It's this fertile imagination that director and playwright...

Review: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

CONOR MCBRIEN October 2, 2014

Since 1999, Nintendo's "mascot fighter" Super Smash Bros has attracted a large crowd — both competitive and casual — of all ages. It seems like only yesterday this was just a highly experimental...

Review: The Equalizer doesn’t pack a punch

NAT ALDER October 2, 2014

In the pantheon of great Denzel Washington films, The Equalizer can sit far outside of that camp, squarely between Out of Sight and Ricochet. Haven’t heard of those? No, me, neither. The Equalizer,...

The Gallery Walk turns 30

DI STAFF October 2, 2014

Gallery Walk in Iowa City will celebrate its 30th year at 20 different locations. The self-guided walk will take place from 5-8 p.m. Friday. Some of the venues included are B Gallery, Active Endeavors,...

Oktoberfest ushers in autumn

ELENA BRUESS September 25, 2014

With autumn having arrived this month and October just around the corner, Iowa City is preparing for changing colors and cooler temperatures. While children start to pick out their Halloween costumes and...