Featured Photos: Santa’s Sidekicks
With Christmas music playing in the background, staff members at Sidekick Coffee & Books set up a tree for the holidays on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021. The coffeeshop has a calendar with daily events planned for the month of December, including a visit from Santa. Owner Katy Herbold said that as her children become eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations, she sees a turning point in the future that will allow the shop to host the events they planned back in 2019 when they opened.
November 9, 2021
Patrons look on as Assistant Manager Zoe Murphy reaches for ribbon while decorating a tree for the holidays at Sidekick Coffee & Books on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021. Murphy is a graduate student studying library science at the University of Iowa, and she has worked at the coffee shop and bookstore since August. She laughed as staff members threw ribbon around the tree. “We’re just vibing,” she said.