UI Housing & Dining brings sustainable forms of marketing to residence halls

Sid Peterson/The Daily Iowan

Television screens are seen in Catlett Hall on Sunday, August 26, 2018. University of Iowa Housing and Dining will no longer be accepting paper marketing in the residence halls in effort to be more sustainable.

Aadit Tambe, News Reporter

The University of Iowa Housing & Dining changed its posting and solicitation guidelines this year to discontinue paper fliers for posting marketing materials in order to be more sustainable.

“We did away with paper fliers for poster boards and instead are now accepting only digital posters,” said Carrie Kiser-Wacker, an assistant to the senior director of Housing & Dining.

Housing & Dining, however, will still accept paper table tents, she said. Resident assistants will continue to put out posters.

Student organizations interested to posting marketing materials to digital boards in laundry rooms, elevator lobbies, and mailbox areas can now turn in marketing requests through the Housing & Dining website.

“It’s just a change in our posting and solicitation guidelines,” Kiser-Wacker said. “We just went from allowing 155 paper posters to doing it all digital now.”


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