The collective bargaining legislation that Republicans are intent on enacting disregards the masses of Iowans in toady service to the few.
These Republicans like to pose as big friends of business but show their anti-business colors for all in their disregard for the interests of collective bargainers that do the actual dirty work, heavy lifting, and attending to purposeful detail, making it all add up by showing up daily. While disregarding the many who labor, Republicans greatly pamper the hoarders of the nation’s wealth that enjoy doing so via corporations that own GOP politicians and their party.
On top of this being disgusting politics, it is also poor economics in terms of workers having disposable income that keeps small businesses going by marketing goods and services from which profits trickle up to corporate interests. What goes around comes around, and cash flow is the life blood of local economies from which all else grows.
Republicans turn a blind eye to the fact that each and every one of us is in business for ourselves and dependent loved ones to secure food, clothing, shelter, and enough rest and leisure to keep going and to find it worthwhile to do so. While turning their backs on masses of citizens, the Republicans promote into crushing power one of the biggest freeloaders of them all, Donald Trump.
—Sam Osborne, West Branch