From the late 1800s until the 1960s, the Republican Party was lifted up as the party of minorities, including African-Americans. John F. Kennedy and LBJ were key in redefining that, because of their work for human rights for minorities. This is only one example of how the major parties have shifted their stances over the years.
More recently, the Democrats have been viewed as the party for children’s rights. This is because of legislation they promoted. Unfortunately, it appears that many of the actions taken by party members is troublesome and redefining the Democrat Party as willing to “leave the children behind” for the sake of Title IV federal funding and the perpetuation of the belief that children are property of the state and that parents should have little to no rights.
Throughout the last 40-plus years, the Democrats have been able to boast their successes of “Putting Children First” and somewhat successfully so. But as times change, so should policies. Bragging about successes from 30 or more years ago that are no longer relevant and which cause more harm than good must be acknowledged.
The human race has evolved over time often because of conflict and stress, trial and error, adopting/adapting of new habits, policies, and practices through our daily routines and social acceptances. We must beware though, because not all new ideology and practices are in the best interest of the people. Just look at the “Dark Ages,” the Nazi regime, the 200-plus years of genocide against the Native American tribes, and constant oppression of African-American culture.
We must not vote along party lines assuming that the past is the present. Research your voting choices, and vote for the candidates who are in favor of children and families.
— bill williams