My family is scattered around the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. However, we are all, every one of us, appalled to read the news that Kraigen Grooms was permitted to criminally molest a precious, sweet, little innocent toddler girl (and fully intended to likewise molest a little boy, given the chance) and get away with it. How could Judge Randy DeGeest permit this to occur in his court, Iowa District Court 8A?
Where is the wisdom, the sense of honor, involved in rendering this incomprehensible decision? I have written to Gov. Terry Branstad to request DeGeest be removed immediately from the bench. This is a travesty, a horrific miscarriage of anything to do with the word “justice.”
Please, could you do likewise? Our country needs judges who are tougher on rapists. Look at the Brock Turner case. Look at how little regard that not only the rapists but also the judges have for the bodies and souls of people who are raped. This little girl and her parents needed, deserved, to know that justice was served and that this young man will never rape again. He needed to be castrated. Since castration isn’t an approved punishment/deterrent, we have to settle for jail time. However, Grooms will not see jail time. This very day, he is walking around free, and able to molest your little girl or boy, or your grandson or granddaughter.
I beg everyone in Iowa to please rise up and demand this unwise and uncaring judge to be removed from the bench of the 8th District Court Branstad’s contact information for sharing an opinion on an online form is available at his website. Please use it; it couldn’t be simpler to do. The entire nation is gasping at this decision with disbelief, and it has unfortunately made Iowa into a state filled with shame.
— Cherwyn Ambuter
(Editor’s Note: Kraigen Grooms, whose name the writer initially misspelled, had served 860 days in jail prior to the sentencing. According to reports, the family of the girl did not want him to serve any more time. Judge Randy DeGeest, whose name was also misspelled, serves in Iowa District Court 8A, not federal court, as the writer initially contended.)