On April 17, the football Hawkeyes will participate in their final spring practice at 1 p.m. in Kinnick Stadium, an event open to the public. The practice will last approximately two hours.
Gates A, B, and E at Kinnick Stadium will open at 11:30 a.m. Fans will be allowed into the south and west grandstands.
Those planing to arrive via RV will be allowed to park in any of the university lots adjacent to Kinnick Stadium after 7 p.m. April 16. The same lots can be used for parking by all fans the day of the open practice, but the two ramps adjacent to the UI Hospitals and Clinics will charge normal parking rates.
No alcohol will be allowed on university or nearby public property during the open practice.
All UI students can also order season tickets for the 2010 season beginning April 5, and they have until May 14 to place orders to the athletics ticket office.
— by Brendan Stiles