Because of the rain and muddy field conditions, it wasn’t until late in the second quarter that the Clippers scored on a quarterback keeper by Kevin Delzell to make the halftime score 7-0.
Clear Creek’s Josh Rohret scored on the kickoff to open the second half to push the Clippers’ lead to 14-0. The Clippers scored two more times in the third quarter. Ted Hergert scored on a fumble recovery and again on a pass reception from Delzell, making the score 26-0.
Backup quarterback Dillon Villhauer completed the scoring with a touchdown run to make the final score 32-0.
In other news, Clear Creek Amana’s varsity volleyball girls defeated both the Independence Mustangs on Sept. 29, and the Benton Bobcats, Oct. 1; the Clippers took each match 3-0.