Technoblade, UI Student

April 30, 2023

It was revealed through a photo posted to Reddit by Mr. Technodad on Nov. 19, 2022, that Technoblade attended the UI in 2018.

While fans have speculated where Technoblade went to college ever since he mentioned attending one for a year in a 2021 video, the location was never confirmed until Mr. Technodad posted a photo of Technoblade in front of the Old Capitol Museum on the Pentacrest with the caption “starting college.”

Upon that reveal, several UI students posted online and shared that this information made them feel closer to the YouTuber.

Max Baum, a UI sophomore who started watching Technoblade during the COVID-19 pandemic, was surprised to learn Technoblade went to the UI.

Knowing Technoblade went to the same university, Baum said he feels more cemented in his belief that he chose the right school.

“There’s always been the sports people who go here,” Baum said. “You go to admire these people, and then to learn that even the people who deliberately hid their faces had the same connection, spent that same amount of time looking for the perfect place to continue their studies, and chose the same place I did. It makes me feel more whole in a way.”

Technoblade studied creative writing, which didn’t surprise Mr. Technodad because his son always wanted to be a writer.

“He was always creative,” Mr. Technodad said. “He always had stories about mythological characters or original characters he wanted to tell.”

Mr. Technodad said he believes his son’s storytelling set him apart from other gaming streamers.

Technoblade wrote a piece for a UI class recounting some of his experiences at the university titled “First Flight,” which Mr. Technodad read to DI reporters.

Each anecdote in the piece captured moments unique to the UI — a tangible tie between the YouTube sensation and Iowa City.

The piece mentioned how Technoblade’s top bunk was close to the ceiling in Rienow Residence Hall where he lived during his time at the UI. It also described how Technoblade found Hillcrest Market Place for the first time to get food and underwent the daunting task of navigating the Cambus schedule.

“I [Technoblade] understood the gist of the bus routes from orientation,” Mr. Technodad read. “The Red Route takes you to Rienow, whereas the Blue Route takes you to human civilization.”

Over the summer leading to Technoblade’s first year of college, another YouTuber named Skeppy began to livestream. Mr. Technodad said Technoblade often talked about Skeppy. When he started livestreaming and gaining popularity, Technoblade wanted to follow suit, so he deferred a year.

“I remember a specific phrase he used to say:  ‘Skeppy cracked the code,’” Mr. Technodad said.

Technoblade understood that right now only lasted for the right now,  Mr. Technodad said, and so when Skeppy’s livestreams were exploding, Technoblade didn’t want to miss the opportunity. He ended up taking a gap year before college to try out streaming. Once enrolled at the UI, he explored his passions for writing and storytelling.

During the summer after his first year at the UI, Technoblade came home and was invited to Minecraft Monday, a weekly Minecraft tournament between June 2019 and November 2019 hosted by Keemstar, another YouTuber.

After the tournament, Technoblade made the decision to pursue YouTube and return to his education at a later time, Mr. Technodad said.

Timeline by Jami Martin-Trainor/The Daily Iowan

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