Katie Goodale

Mikey Waller poses for a portrait on the T. Anne Cleary Walkway on Aug. 26, 2019.

Mikey Waller

DI: What does it mean to you to be a Hawkeye?

I’d say to me, being a Hawkeye is knowing that you’re going to come here and you’re going to grow from it and you’re going to meet people who are nothing like you. In a sense, you’re going to get to know all these different cultures and different aspects of the world, and through that you’ll be a better person coming out of it.

DI: What are you excited about this year?

I’m most excited to get involved on campus… [It] is a huge community for writers, and I’m English and creative-writing major. And so I’m just really excited to be around people who are as passionate as I am and they get involved in that, and then just be able to learn from it as I go.

DI: Where are you from?

I’m from Ankeny, Iowa.

DI: What brings you to the UI?

I wanted to come here because it’s not too far from home. But it’s far enough. Also, this is just a really great school, and I really admire all the things that get done here, and so I figured that I wanted to be a part of it.

DI: How is Iowa City different than your hometown?

So I grew up in actually a small town, and I moved to Ankeny, and Iowa City is so much more teeming with life. And it has just a ton of stuff to do, and there’s always something going on, and you could meet someone from across the world here. And that is not usual from where I’m from.

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