Katie Goodale

Clara Miller poses for a portrait on the T. Anne Cleary Walkway on Aug. 26, 2019.

Clara Miller

DI: What does it mean to you to be a Hawkeye?

I think it means helping people when you can and trying your hardest even if you really, really, really don’t want to because it will help you in the long-run.

DI: What are you excited about this year?

I’m really excited to meet more people and make new connections, because that’s how you go further in the workplace.

DI: Where are you from?

I’m from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, which is a suburb of Kansas City.

DI: What brings you to the UI?

I am … an English and creative-writing major. I’m also doing English education. And they have really good programs for both. So that’s why I came here, even though it’s really expensive for out-of-state tuition.

DI: How is Iowa City different than your hometown?

It’s not as spread out where I live. You have to drive to literally everything, whereas here you can walk. It’s a lot more accepting. People don’t judge you every second of every day, which I really appreciate. And … you can find your place here really easily, because there are so many other people like you.

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