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The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

The independent newspaper of the University of Iowa community since 1868

The Daily Iowan

Suppressing the will of voters won’t stand 

Suppressing the will of voters won’t stand 

April 24, 2016

The whirlwind affair that is the 2016 presidential campaign has captivated the news media and much of the country. Over the course of the race, a number of themes have emerged as the dominant narratives...

Editorial: Remembering academic mission vis-à-vis international students

Editorial: Remembering academic mission vis-à-vis international students

April 21, 2016

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of globalization is the ability for students from all around the world to experience cultures and environments different from the one they are accustomed to. At...

File photo (Sergio Flores/The Daily Iowan, file)

Legalize pot, give Iowa a new cash crop 

April 20, 2016

Editor's note: This editorial is a part of our drug issue. Iowa, though it may not look like it, is predominantly an industrial wasteland. The state, according to the Natural History Museum at the University...

Editorial: Our infrastructure needs attention

Editorial: Our infrastructure needs attention

April 18, 2016

The Arlington Memorial Bridge is an iconic landmark of Washington, D.C. The bridge itself, while beautiful, is literally falling apart. Inches of what should be concrete have turned to gravel. Last month,...

We need to be prepared for Pacific earthquakes

We need to be prepared for Pacific earthquakes

April 18, 2016

A string of recent earthquakes has left some areas in shambles and led some to question whether other areas at risk are doing enough to prepare for potential devastation. The most destructive of these...

Editorial: Iowa can be a role model for LGBT rights

Editorial: Iowa can be a role model for LGBT rights

April 14, 2016

North Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia have recently passed broad and wide-reaching anti-LGBT bills in the still rippling wake of the federal mandate allowing gay marriage. The Mississippi law allows...

Editorial: Economic growth, sustainable policies not incompatible

Editorial: Economic growth, sustainable policies not incompatible

April 13, 2016

In March, Republican presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich said something not often heard from Republican politicians or voters. During a debate, he said, “I do believe we contribute to climate change.”...

Restore felons’ voting rights 

Restore felons’ voting rights 

April 13, 2016

The Iowa Supreme Court is deliberating on a case that holds the voting fate for more than 20,000 Iowans. Griffin v. Branstad challenges Executive Order 70, issued by Gov. Terry Branstad in 2011, which...

Editorial: U.S. needs to stop terrorism at its roots

Editorial: U.S. needs to stop terrorism at its roots

April 11, 2016

The threat of domestic terrorism has been thrust to the forefront of the American consciousness given the recent events in Paris and Brussels. It is no longer the problem of the other hemisphere; the fear...

Questioning Clinton’s judgment on emails 

Questioning Clinton’s judgment on emails 

April 10, 2016

In an interview with Fox News Sunday, President Obama waded into a controversial issue: the FBI investigation into Hilary Clinton’s use of a personal email server while serving as secretary of State....

Editorial: Challenges to immigration reform coming

Editorial: Challenges to immigration reform coming

April 7, 2016

Immigration is in the forefront of political rhetoric and cultural consciousness this election cycle. Though not a new topic, actions taken by researchers, students, and politicians are coming to a head...

Editorial: IMF should change its strategy 

Editorial: IMF should change its strategy 

April 6, 2016

Ever since its debt crisis in 2010, Greece has been at the center of a plethora of economic, political, and socio-political issues that have taken the forefront of international scrutiny, particularly,...