My name is Mika Covington, my pronouns are she and her, and I’m a member of the Iowa Democrats’ State Central Committee. I support Oliver Weilein for the Iowa City City Council District C special election primary on February 4 with the general election on March 4.
Iowa City and the Democratic Party need a candidate like Oliver and his politics. He represents the many voices not frequently heard in the party — those struggling to keep a roof over their heads and put food on their tables. Many of his beliefs are shared by a majority of the working class, and they are not radical. It’s not radical to know that housing must be a human right and that we the people should own and control our city’s utilities. It’s also not radical to represent the voices of voters who are disenfranchised by both Democrats and Republicans.
Oliver Weilein works for Systems Unlimited, caring for individuals who experience intellectual disabilities. He also serves on the board of Public Space One and is a consistent frontline advocate at the Emma Goldman Clinic. He also was a founding member of the Iowa City Tenants Union.
Oliver is an advocate for affordable housing. He will work to increase the number of affordable units, give tenants the first right of refusal, and support a Tenants’ Bill of Rights. On the city council, he will challenge the hateful actions of the state and federal governments. Many of these actions directly harm working families, including migrant workers and the LGBTQIA+ community.
Oliver dares to take on the issues facing Iowa City and will fight for the change that working families need. He will work to increase the city’s supportive housing and address the ever-increasing cost of rent. He will also work to make Iowa City a sanctuary city for migrant workers and the transgender and nonbinary community.
If you live in Iowa City District C, be sure to vote for Oliver Weilein on February 4. For more information about Oliver, visit