Due to the extreme cold, the University of Iowa’s Undergraduate Student Government held its first meeting of the spring semester on Zoom on Tuesday where they filled senator vacancies and discussed the upcoming Big Event for Dance Marathon.
USG swore in six new senators to fill vacancies who will have a proper swearing-in at the next meeting in person. They also filled the social media manager position, bringing the social media team up to the intended two members.
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Campus Relations Chair of UI Dance Marathon Connor Lofing spoke about upcoming events, ways to get involved, a new fundraising platform, and the history of the group.
Dance Marathon was founded in 1991 by students at Indiana University in memory of a close friend, and the organization has since spread across North America. Dance Marathon is student-run, and the funds raised are donated to their local children’s hospital.
The UI’s dance marathon is the largest student-led philanthropy and student organization on campus. They provide emotional and financial support to patients at the UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital by providing families with gift cards to help with food costs and helping pay hospital and other bills for the families.
Lofing reminded members the Heartlander hockey game is occurring on Jan. 31, as well as the Dance Marathon’s Big Event on Feb. 7 and 8.
“Join Dance Marathon. It’s not too late — every dollar counts,” Lofing said during the meeting.
This year, UI Dance Marathon is using a new fundraising platform titled Donor Drive. It will give their fundraising a more modern appearance and let dancers customize and have more freedom with fundraising, according to a powerpoint shown at the USG meeting Tuesday.
Lofing said people can participate by joining Dance Marathon leadership, speaking at one of their events, tabling at an event or dancer meeting, and attending Child Health Day.