Theodore Retsinas
Photo illustration by Theodore Retsinas
University of Iowa student usage of electronic cigarettes, vapes, and the consumption of energy drinks has increased significantly.
In a 2023 survey, 26 percent of undergraduate students reported using a vape in the last three months, Trisha Welter, the associate director of Student Wellness at the University of Iowa, said.
UI Student Wellness has conducted the National College Health Assessment survey every other year since 2013.
In the same survey in 2019, about 27 percent of undergraduate students reported vaping in the last 30 days, a higher number than the three-month results.
The long-term effects of vape usage can be incredibly detrimental and include nicotine addiction and stunted development of the brain, Welter said.
“A lot of times people think [vapes] are safer and that they don’t contain nicotine, but a CDC study showed that 99 percent of e-cigarettes sold contain nicotine,” Welter said. “Some of them don’t even disclose that they contain nicotine.”
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