Gabby Drees
OPN Architects project architect Josh Moe speaks at an Iowa City City Council meeting at City Hall in Iowa City on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
To the Editor:
I am writing in support of Josh Moe for the Iowa City Council. I have had the privilege of working with Josh on the board of a local non-profit agency and have come to know and have enormous respect for his intelligence, background, and skills. He is a licensed architect and a specialist in historic preservation. He has been a volunteer and community advocate since moving to Iowa City in 2012. He served on the United Way Impact Council, chaired the Community Leadership Program, and worked with Habitat for Humanity on energy-saving designs for Habitat houses. He is a volunteer and board member for Friends of Historic Preservation, Preservation Iowa, and Old Brick.
Josh Moe is highly qualified and would strengthen Iowa City leadership because building consensus, thinking creatively, and developing a long-term vision is at the core of his work. He has extensive experience with construction and planning for infrastructure, knowledge of the non-profit ecosystem, and the ability to balance the diverse needs of multiple stakeholders.
My experience with Josh is that he is intelligent, organized, insightful, always prepared for board meetings, willing to take on extra tasks to facilitate progress, and a great colleague. His integrity is unquestionable and his commitment to Iowa City is strong and deep. He has identified four areas of focus: reinvestment in Iowa City’s community spaces, acting faster on climate change, creating desirable, affordable housing, and attracting and retaining quality jobs. Josh is emblematic of the new generation of leaders that are needed to lead Iowa City into the future.
The addition of Josh Moe to the Iowa City Council would add enormous strength and expertise to Iowa City’s governing body.
-Ann M. Rhodes, Iowa City