The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office announced that the search alongside University of Iowa police for a missing person, UI mechanical-engineering student David Le, is still ongoing.
In a news release from Detective Sgt. Brad Kunkel, authorities said Le was last seen at 10:45 p.m. Nov. 13 at MacBride Hall on the UI campus.
According to the Iowa Department of Public Safety’s Missing Person Information Clearinghouse, Le — a native of Sioux City, Iowa — has turned 20 since his disappearance.
By nearly 11 a.m., the UI police and Johnson County Sheriff’s Office had been notified, the release said. Le allegedly jumped into the Iowa River, but there are neither witnesses nor any video camera footage to prove that possibility, the release said.
A student located Le’s backpack containing his personal belongings and turned it over to a university employee early the next morning, the release said.
RELATED: Johnson County Sheriff’s Department identifies missing student
Authorities previously said Le’s personal property was discovered on a nearby bridge, and he was reported absent from class.
Multiple agencies began searching the Iowa River near the Iowa Avenue bridge Nov. 14, including the county dive team, Salvation Army, local fire departments, and others. Initial search efforts in the river included dragging, divers, and cadaver dogs, according to an earlier Johnson County news release.
Johnson County authorities urge anyone with information about Le to contact the Joint Emergency Communications Center at 319-356-6800.
The following resources are available for individuals in need of support:
University Counseling Services – (319) 335-7294
Student Care and Assistance – (319) 335-1162
UI Employee Assistance Program – (319) 335-2085
CommUnity Crisis Services – (319) 351-0140